Lead Plus

Lead Plus is our collection of resources and training to help Youth Leaders take the next step in their relationship with God, and in discipling others.

What do we have available?

Over the years we have developed many different training options that suit people at different stages of growth.

Timothy Partnership Certificate

Lead for Life

OMEC – Mentoring

Discipling Course (still in development)

Resources for ministry



Timothy Partnership Certificate

Dating back to its early days as “Cafe Theologica”, a distance program teaching theology to people in regional NSW and beyond, we now offer a range of Certificate level and Academic Studies in Theology Certificate units that you can study as part of a ministry apprenticeship.

Lead for Life

For over fifteen years, PY has been running an internship for school leavers (and older youth) to learn theology and ministry skills together, and be set up well for a life of Christian Service in the church.


One important aspect of leader training is having a mentor to help you develop as a leader. The Online Mentor Equipping Course (OMEC) was developed to help people learn skills that are useful in mentoring, while putting those skills into practice over a 12-month intentional mentoring program.

We are currently redeveloping this course, and hoping to offer the new version in 2022.

You can read about the original version of the course here.


Disciple-making course

When we ran the OMEC course, some feedback was that a different course was needed: not just to teach people to be mentors of youth leaders, but to teach people how to make disciples in their local church.

This is the next course we will be working on.

Resources for Ministry

While every local church ministry is different, there is much that is the same. PYNSW seeks to use its Youth Leader Network to gather people together to share ideas for ministry and resources that can be helpful. On this section, you’ll find a range of different resources for doing youth ministry offline and online.