Our Vision

Through God’s strength, PYNSW aims to equip the Church to disciple all youth for Christ.

Constituted in 1872 as the Presbyterian Fellowship Union, Presbyterian Youth (PY) was also formerly known as The Presbyterian Fellowship of Australia in NSW.
PYNSW works with youth leaders at local churches around NSW to help those churches disciple their young people. It remains the youth organisation of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in NSW.

PY aims to present youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation and call them to an obedient acceptance of Christ as Saviour and Lord; help youth to mature in their understanding of the life, death, resurrection and teaching of Christ through study of the Bible, prayer and fellowship; and encourage youth to commit themselves to Him as Lord, to join the membership of the Church, and devote their lives to the service of God.

PY works to:

  • Assist churches and presbyteries to fulfil their responsibility to reach, disciple, and place into Christian service, youth within the context of the Church
  • Promote outreach, mission, discipleship, learning and fellowship among young people, and foster an ongoing concern for these things within the context of the Church
  • Unite the youth of the Church in a fellowship of worship, study, recreation and service
  • Facilitate the integration of youth into the life of the Church
  • Facilitate training for youth leaders
  • Provide a statewide Christian camping ministry
  • Assist the Church to develop effective strategies for youth work



Presbytery Youth Reps


What does a Presbytery Youth Representative do?

The Presbytery Youth Representative role encompasses the following:

• Reporting back to the General Manager of PYNSW on which churches in a Presbytery have:
– Youth groups
– Sunday School
– Creche
– Other children’s ministry
– Other family ministries
– SRE teaching

• Communicate with churches in the Presbytery about PY (and other) initiatives that are relevant to the Presbytery.

• Meet (on zoom) twice per year with other Presbytery youth reps for fellowship, encouragement, and to communicate the needs of the Presbytery.

• Be interviewed (via email or phone) by the PY communications officer to help spread awareness on the good news, and need stories around children and family ministry in the Presbytery.

This role description is subject to expansion as PYNSW continues to seek to provide resources to churches and Presbyteries based on the support they require in line with their individual needs.