Talking Teen

Talking Teen 2022 #1
Talking Teen; March 16, 2022 – How to connect to your teen’s experience of anxiety and depression. A webinar presented in partnership with Gospel and Society and Culture committee of the PCNSW.
Other Resources
We have a family discipleship course that we are piloting – you can access it by registering for our free content library.
Ministry Papers
Foundational Papers | the Ministry Training Church | Meeting One-to-One |
Training Mindset Papers | Getting Ministry Done | Church Calendar | Building a Christian Library |
Relationship With God | Daily Time With God | One Year Bible Reading Plan |
Relationship With Other Believers | Joining a Growth Group | Leading a Growth Group | Prayer in Growth Groups | Hospitality |
Relationship With Family/Household | Christian Households | Marriage Preparation | Raising Kids to Follow Jesus |
Relationship With Unbelievers | Personal Evangelism | Personal Apologetics | Giving Your Testimony | Relationship With Church Mission | Joining a Ministry Team |
Ministry Teams | Management Committee | Creche Ministry | Kids Church Ministry | Kids Club Ministry | Primary School Scripture | Youth Ministry | High School Lunchtime Groups | University Ministry | Pre-School Mums Ministry |
Main Meeting Ministry |Welcoming Ministry | Excellent Sundays | Music Ministry
Sound Ministry | Preaching That Connects | Giving a Short Talk | Kids Talks | Leading Church | Setup-Pieces / Drama | Bible Readings in Church | Leading Prayer in Church | Child Protection |
Useful Forms
- Breaking the Silence and COVID-19
- BTS Template – permission consent form for online youth group meetings
- BTS Template – Permission consent for contacting young people
Other Resources
With the recent changes to the ability to gather in our places of worship, and even to assemble multiple people in the same physical space, a lot of churches will be thinking through how they might be able to use technology to be able to keep meeting together.
There are a huge number of options to think through, and in a season where there are already a lot of changes to manage, this can feel overwhelming.
When moving online, don’t think that you need to have everything be broadcast TV quality, or that you need to buy a lot of equipment. It’s best to start slowly, and keep learning. Remember that people in your congregation (or youth group) will need to learn these things too.
You might like to ask:
- how are you going to maintain and sustain what you’re committing to?
- how does what you’re doing communicate your values, cultures, and beliefs?
- how can you use this external force of change to encourage people from the fringes of your group to contribute more?
- how will you welcome new people?
- how will you help people who are not technology-savvy?
Useful Forms
- Breaking the Silence and COVID-19
- BTS Template – permission consent form for online youth group meetings
- BTS Template – Permission consent for contacting young people
Video Options
- Facebook Live – share what you’re doing over the internet as a facebook video in realtime.
- YouTube Live – share what you’re doing over YouTube in real time
- Facebook Premiere – upload a video to Facebook, and everyone can go to the page at a particular time and watch it
- YouTube Premiere – upload a video to YouTube, build up expectations of when it will be launched, and invite people to watch it together.
- Make a webpage with your order of service: collect various media types together into the one page.
Skype is a video conferencing app that needs a free account to use, and an app to be installed.
Google Hangouts:
Google Hangouts allows video chat – you need a free Google account to run it.
Church Online Platform:
Church Online Platform (free, but requires more technical literacy than the other options on this page).
Thinking about running church offline and online
- Facebook Group: Mission Thinking in Sydney and Illawarra
- Facebook Group: Online church ideas
- PY Document: Issues to consider in going online
- A post talking through some of the child protection concerns with online youth group
- Jericho Road guidelines for online communication with young people
- Safe Ministry guidelines from the Anglican PSU
What about music?
Sample approaches of ways to do church
- Pre-record – Cornerstone Church Online
- Livestream – GracePoint Church Livestream
Including those with accessibility needs
- Closed captioning for the hard of hearing
- Auslan for the deaf who know sign language – you could add video of someone signing into your video chat
- Telephone access into whatever you’re doing
- Recording the sermon / service and distributing on DVD/CD
Remembering to contact people in your congregation
- Prayer triplets: can you set up people in threes who can connect on the phone or virtually?
- Small groups over Zoom / PIM Congregation Connect
- Phone Calls
- Checking your volunteers for burnout, given their extra levels of stress
- Counselling services
- Increased risk of domestic violence
- Financial Hardship
Closing Thoughts