Summer Camp 2024 - Russell Smidt - Fearless.

Summer Camp 2024

Dec 27 - Jan 1

Distance Training Pack


Daniel – Russ Smidt

What does it mean to be fearless?

1. Watch this entire video

It contains messages from Summer Camp section leaders, and a summary from the speaker of what he will be covering in his talks.

2. Look at the studies and policies

You will need to download the SC24 Training Day Booklet.

3. Complete your child protection training:

To lead on camp, you need to be up to date with child protection training – either Breaking the Silence if you’re attending a Presbyterian Church in NSW, or the equivalent in other settings.

Once you’ve done this training, proceed to the next step.

4. Answer these questions 

Complete this PY camp-specific child protection training quiz (about 15 mins duration), so you’ve had a chance to think about your responsibilities in this area as it applies on a PY Camp.

This includes filling in the date of your child protection training in this form:

5. See you at camp!