Lucy Marrett

Ministry Amidst Health Battles, with Tara Prince

When Tara Prince lists out what is important to her in life, she mentions three things: her relationship with God, her husband and kids, and good health. She mentions good health specifically, as she has been plagued with chronic illness for the last six years which has meant seeking good health has served as a driving force and helped her


Training the next generation, with Isaac Walters

Isaac Walters is more than halfway through a METRO MTS apprenticeship at Tuggeranong Presbyterian Church and so far, he’s enjoyed every minute. A METRO MTS Apprenticeship is a subset of the MTS model that stands for Ministry Equipping Training and Recruitment Organisation (METRO), within the Presbyterian Church that sponsors suitable people into ministry training apprenticeships. Isaac admits that while he


Sharing the truth of the Bible both inside and outside of the classroom

Sang Kim is a Korean-Australian who came to faith in Christ during his time at the Australian National University (ANU). Sang was invited to join a Bible study group (that he didn’t really want to attend!) and decided he would go just once so that his friends would stop inviting him. It was here that he ended up reading the


The gift of a bequest and the legacy it leaves 

As Christians, countless ministries are faithfully sharing the Gospel. With this comes incredible opportunities to support these ministries, whether it be with our prayer, volunteering, or financial resources.  Leaving a bequest is a specific financial way that many choose to support a ministry. Not only does this form a partnership between the individual and the ministry, it also ensures that


How Margaret Friend’s Gift Transformed Camp Ministry

For over 100 years, the Presbyterian Church has been running camps for youth to encourage and present them with the challenges of the Gospel. For around 30 years, these camps had taken place in schools and other educational sites, but around 1918 the government put a stop to the Presbyterian Fellowship Union (PFU) using government school buildings to hold their


Supporting SRE is making an investment in eternity: Benjamin’s heart for SRE

Benjamin Shuhyta is a former broadcast journalist who worked across various media outlets for around 25 years. But recently, he’s taken up a calling to become a Presbyterian minister, studying towards ordination.  Benjamin has a big heart for SRE. “I came to Christ through Scripture (SRE) in primary school, so I know the benefit of SRE first hand. The work
